Showing posts from October, 2007

Of Traffic Summon and Bribe

I got pulled-over while driving home from work today. That was my second time since I started driving in Malaysia. Both time…

Sunday Joke: Bee Power

A man was driving down the road and ran out of petrol. Just at that moment, a bee flew in his window. The bee said, "…

That Was Long!

OMG! Blogspot has been so darn slow these past few days. I don't know if it only acts up on me or was it my internet con…

Happy Birthday!

Since the time I met you... I have stopped desiring anything for myself As all my dreams have come true Now I hope all happi…

Messed-up Tagboard

I was forced to put a sticky tape on my blog (above the shoutbox) to teach visitors how to get the tagboard to display corre…

Boring Weekend

It's Sunday and I can't believe I don't have anything planned. How sad. Ever since Lin left me (she literally le…

Clean Office

I spent the whole of today's morning cleaning & reorganizing my office. It was super messy! Plus, I've tons &…

Best 3 Hours In Ramadhan

The First Hour: First hour of the day, after Solat al-Fajr Imam Nawawi - may Allah has mercy on him - said in his book of re…

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