
For the past two nights, I performed my solat sunat tarawih at the surau in the condo's compound; 3 minutes walk from door to door. Very convenient.

Everyday after the 8th rakaat, before the solat sunat witir, a short tazkirah will be given by the imam. Today, he talked about sadaqah. At any time, for every sadaqah you give, the deed will be multiplied by 700 times. Just imagine giving sadaqah in this holy month!

The imam then went on to promote a program called Ramadhan Di Bumi Palestin, which I think is an excellent avenue to start your sadaqah deed this Ramadhan. You can choose from either of the followings:
  • RM60 to sponsor a person for sahur and iftar
  • RM60 to sponsor a person for sahur and iftar at Masjid Aqsa
  • RM200 to sponsor food for a family
  • RM200 to sponsor a person for clothing and gifts for Aidil Fitri
  • General contribution of RM5, RM10, RM50, or other amount

You can use online banking to transmit your contribution. Very easy. After that, you can fill in this form here.

Let's do our part for al-Aqsa.
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