Aleesa Turns 4 on a Twosday

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We realized how special Aleesa's birthdate is going to be this year, but we were too afraid to bring the party outside as Covid cases are increasing. So, we decided to go a little crazy inside instead.

We bought all of her birthday presents a couple of months earlier because of the crazy sales Toys"R"Us usually have for Christmas. We've recycled all of our birthday decorations far too many times and had to replenish them this time around. For this, our go-to stores are either Kaison or Mr. DIY.

Aleesa had been counting down the days to her birthday. Like any other almost-4-year-olds, she couldn't really comprehend the concept of time. So, everyday she'd ask, "My birthday is tomorrow?" When we answered no, she would then say, "But it's so yooongg!"

What is Twosday and Why is It So Special?

  • Dubbed "Twosday" as it's a Tuesday.
  • It's palindromic - meaning it can be read the same backwards as forwards
  • It's also an ambigram - on a calculator, it can be read upside down in the same way
  • There'll never be a 33.03.3033 as there is no month with 33 days.
  • An ambigram has only happened once - more than a thousand years ago on 11.01.1011.
  • It's Aleesa's 4th birthday. (Also my dad's 61st birthday.)

Strictly Family Only

The Federal Day long weekend before the epic date was really helpful. A day before her birthday, we spent the entire day decorating the dining area. Nothing too flashy as we were going for cute.

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Did we nail it?

We got a few balloons filled up with helium and they looked great the night before, When we came downstairs the morning after, some of the balloons weren't floating anymore. We were very disappointed, but it was a good lesson learned; Only foil balloons are good for helium.

It was a family-only event. We ordered Johorean's briyani and mee bandung from our favorite place in Cheras. Like the other two birthday parties we had at home before this, we also rented a blown up pool for our Littlest One. She loves it and can be in there for hours!

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The plan was to also celebrate my dad's birthday together with Aleesa's, but unfortunately, my dad had committed to an event in Penang and could not make it to the party.

Alhamdulillah, everything went as planned. However, we completely forgotten about the birthday cake and only got to it at night before the cousins left. It wasn't a good idea though getting the kids high on sugar before bedtime.

Taking the Party to School

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First, she said yes, then no, then yes again.

Aleesa finally decided to share her special day with her friends at school for the very first time. So, we bought some healthy snacks, a coloring book, stationeries and accessories and put them all in cute party bags for Aleesa to give to her classmates.

It was a simple celebration as we only had 15 minutes to sing, blow out the candles, wait for the kids to finish eating their cakes and give out the party bags. The last-minute cake we ordered through Grab felt like a scam in the beginning--because of its size--but turned out to be quite delicious, according to Ayra.

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Dear Aleesa,

We hope you had a great 4th birthday as much as we had planning it. You are so funny, but get angry when people point it out. You are very smart and can pick up songs like you've been doing it for years.

Thank you for being our happy pill. May Allah guide you all the way through this life and hereafter. Enjoy  your life and always remember to say your prayers.

We love you so much!
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