Out With the Old, In With the New

Noticed anything different? Exactly! I've been working on this new template since the beginning of this month and needless to say, I'm satisfied with how it turned out. This template uses CSS completely, from top to bottom. So, I've taught myself some CSS and arrived with this design. I've picked-up a whole lot of new and possibly interesting (for me, at least) knowledge and ideas along the designing process. I used to think there's no way for me to understand CSS because I just don't have the time. But, now CSS seems so easy and it's really an everyday language. If you're into web designing and have no idea what-so-ever about CSS, believe me, it'll take you less than 2 hours to understand them.

That is why I haven't post any new entry lately. Now, it feels weird to post this entry because I don't have anything super-interesting to tell and at the same time have forgotten all the interesting stuff happened between last month and this month.
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