Eye Infection

I woke up this morning freaked out because my left eye was feeling very, very uncomfortable. I don't know how to explain the uncomfortable-ness, but when I pressed gently under my left eye with my index finger, it sorta felt like there's something underneath the skin and flesh, way underneath, that shouldn't be there. And, everytime I blink, it feels weird. Woke up this morning thinking, "Could this be caused by the ReNu contact lens solution?" I am freaking out! But, I really hope it's nothing because hey, my commencement is exactly a month away and I wanna be able to walk across the stage looking normal and all, you know. So, if this gets worse, I'll go see a doctor or something. It's a good thing this doesn't handicapped my face because FYI, today's our senior class group photo.

It's o.k if you miss classes, but a photo session, I'm so there!
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