High School Musical - ExxonMobil Style

We have this Employee Get-together that's gonna happen on the 15th day of next month. So happen that each department has to come up with a performance for the special day. My department decided to join forces with 3 other departments to perform a dance routine from the movie - I'm sure you folks are rather familiar with this one - High School Musical. We're gonna dance to the final number from the movie called We're All In This Together.

I'm not gonna lie - I've watched the movie a couple of times. Enjoyed it the first time. The subsequent times were totally unintentional. Seriously. This specific dance routine looks very fun and energetic, but not too tough. So, I guess our group can definitely do it - given we're not a bunch of young high school kids anymore (although some of us do look like one). The song yells a lot of "Wildcats", so it fits Exxon like a glove as the formal mascot is, after all a tiger. The lyrics, then again generally talks about togetherness and sticking together to achieve greatness. It totally fits the event's purpose.

We had our first rehearsal this morning. Since the event is less than a month away, I guess we're gonna have to work our ass off to practice every weekdays. Hey, we all aren't born-dancers and singers! But, the progress was pretty terrific for a first day. We'll see how the rest of the rehearsal sessions are gonna be like.
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