It Has Been A While...

I just realized that my recent post was like nearly a month ago. I lost my internet connection the whole of last week. During that period, the weekdays weren't so bad as I only came home at night to eat and sleep. On the bright side, it actually kept me focus on my spiritual life, so to speak. But, you can't imagine how boring my weekend was. How I am glad to have the connection restored!

I woke up early this morning and really think I need to be in bed by now as my eyes are getting a bit tired. Had a late dinner and my stomach is still full. So, that's how I ended up writing this entry.

Just finished watching the final episode of Heroes Season 2. What's the deal with that? 11 episodes in a season? Who does that? I'm confused. What strategy is this? Business? Popularity? Anyone Google-d that yet? I'm sure you guys are as puzzled as I am. Even if you're not, just play along, will ya? Anyway, let me be a spoiler and tell you that Sylar is alive and kicking, and he's getting his power back. There!
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