Euro Trip: ???

Sorry, guys. I guess I've to cut my story-telling short coz my desktop is on downtime right now. All the pictures are in there and there's no way to get them now -- or I'm just too lazy to work on it, whatever that may be. I'm planning to buy a new one, but it's not gonna be anytime soon -- not in my high-priority list. Currently, I'm using my iBook connected to my 22" DELL panel. So far, no complain.

I'm actually eying myself on the new iPhone 3G that's coming out this July 11. Isn't that exciting? Compared to the current iPhone, it's said to be half the price and twice the speed. I'm planning to get one, but I heard that it won't hit the Malaysian market -- not legally, at least. Whutta heck? 70 countries and Malaysia's not part of that? How primitive do they think of Malaysians? Come on Maxis, Celcom and DiGi, break out of the ordinary for once, please!

Well, I figure I might as well ask a friend in the US to buy it for me since I won't be able to buy it here. But guess what? I heard -- yes, heard -- that you can't buy the new iPhone 3G for $199 without a contract. That pisses me off and I just permanently stop all of my iPhone 3G researches. I'll just wait until it comes out next week and all speculations will subside.
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