It's A Boy!

Introducing Muhammad Daanish, the second man of the house, our new bundle of joy, weighing at 3.63kg. Born on October 7, 2010 at 2:20 PM at Damansara Specialist, Selangor. Lin was admitted at 2 AM on the same day and was already 1cm dilated. We spent the night there, but at about 6 AM, there were no progress in the dilation. We were then transferred to the labor room at about 7 AM. Seven hours after that, it was time to push. Alhamdulillah, everything went extremely well. Mama and baby are doing fine and healthy. Taking care of a baby is very challenging, but there's nothing sweeter than watching your baby all swaddled and sound asleep. For those who would like to come visit, do call us for directions to our apartment.
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