Daanish Is 19 Months

Daanish will be 19 months in about a week. He's growing up so fast! The above pics were taken last weekend when we were having lunch at D'Jeumpa Restaurant.

He now sleeps for 2-3 hours a day in the afternoon and drinks milk (6oz) about 4-5 times a day. However, he's a very tough eater. Kids at this age usually like to do things themselves. For example, eating. He refuses to eat whenever we try to feed him. So, we just let him feed himself. Big portion of the food would end up on the floor rather than being eaten.

He's a very active boy. He loves balls, balloons, bubbles, and iPad. He likes to be chased and play hide-and-seek. He now knows lots of words in both English and Malay and repeats most of the stuff we say. Some of the words he imitated cracked us up. For example, Adoi, Dah, and Jom. He knows how to salaam, kiss, and blow a kiss.

He's still very much traumatized by his carseat and sometimes his stroller. He cries and screams whenever he doesn't get what he wants. Manipulative, we know.

People say Daanish is starting to look more and more like Mama, but the hair is definitely Papa. Whatever it is, we just can't get enough of him.

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