Aleesa's First Day of Playschool

We signed her up last week and today is Aleesa's first day of playschool! She's exactly 2 years 8 months today.

Too early? No such thing! Her sister, Ayra actually started slightly earlier, when she was 2 years 4 months.

The reason for sending her to playschool early was not because of her development. As a matter of fact, we think her development is better than her older siblings. What we're actually concerned about is the amount of screen time she's exposed to when she's at home.

So, she was all happy and excited to go to playschool this morning. She put on her school uniform (which fortunately, is a dress because she loves putting on dresses), carried her school bag and gladly posed for pictures. She was so cute!

We were expecting for the worst, but there was no drama whatsoever when we dropped her off. Like a champ, she greeted the teacher and walked in. On the first day, they danced and made a turtle out of a paper plate. When we picked her up, she was so happy and still full of energy.

As Aleesa is probably our last child, that was our last experience of sending our kid to first day of playschool.
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