Daanish's 10th Birthday

Happy 10th Birthday, my one and only son, Daanish!

Daanish is at a point in his life where he doesn't really play with toys anymore. Big boy dah la! So, for his 10th birthday, all he wanted was to buy the in-game currencies, V-Bucks for Fortnite and Robux for Roblox. We said OK.

That night, before his birthday, I asked him if he'd consider a mobile tablet as his birthday present. He thought about it for a while and agreed. So, after dropping her sister off at gymnastics practice, we went to a nearby IT store to have a look at a few options. Unfortunately, they ran out of stock on the one he was eyeing. He was heartbroken.

On his birthday, after school, we went out for a simple celebration at IOI City Mall together with my parents and sister. After dinner, we left the kids with my parents at Coffea Coffee to buy the cake from Baskin-Robbins. Quickly (but secretly), we also went to a nearby IT store and bought the tablet he wanted.

He pestered us to go buy the tablet for him, but we said no and gave excuses like we've to get home early as it's a school night. We told him to wait until the weekend. He nodded with a sad face.

When we got home, while he was in the shower, we put the tablet on his bed. He got out of the shower and was so surprised that he burst into tears. He hugged and thanked us so many times. It was so sweet, heartwarming and we got it all on video! Easily the best video of the year.
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