When Birthday Presents Help You Get Things Done

Unlike previous years, my wife knows exactly what she wanted for her birthday this year. As a parent of 3 very active kids, she juggles her days between work and home like a rockstar. After a few unpleasant experiences in the past, we decided not to have any stay-in maids anymore. So, we divide the chores equally among ourselves, including the children.

One of the chores she absolutely hates is ironing. Before MCO, we used to send all of our clothes to the laundry just to get them ironed. We were spending around RM50 a week because almost all of our work clothes need ironing. Considering how small the kids' school uniforms are, Lin insists on ironing them herself because the ironing service wouldn't be worth the money.

She did her research, contemplated her decision for a few weeks and finally told me that she wanted a new iron. Not just any iron; A revolutionized iron that could cut her ironing time in half. A steam generator iron. She even found a really good deal online; More than 40% discount from the retail price. All I had to do was to pay for it.

It arrived at our doorstep a few days earlier, but I only gave it to her on her birthday. She was so excited, she ironed every single clothes there was to iron and was done under 60 minutes. And trust me, the mountain of clothes was rather huge! She's now looking forward to more ironing, but unfortunately there are none since MCO has been extended.

Birthday is a Good Excuse to Eat All Day

Due to MCO, we kept the birthday celebration indoors.

For several years now, Lin specifically asked for no cakes on her birthday. No, she never diet. It's just that the kids' birthdays are so close to hers, by the time we celebrate her birthday, we would've had too much cake.

This year, instead of a cake, I got her 3; A dark chocolate cake, a burnt cheesecake and a lemon loaf (technically, also a cake). They are all very tasty and highly recommended, homemade by a talented baker who goes by the handle @thelatenightbaker.kl on Instagram.

And to top the day off, I ordered an artisanal platter from @platterpeople together with a beautiful bouquet of preserved flowers for the birthday girl. Both Lin and I were very pleased with the way the platter was put together and tastefully presented. It was almost too pretty to eat.

To my dear wife, I hope you enjoyed your birthday as much as I enjoyed planning it. Happy Birthday, sayang!
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