My 36th Birthday As Told by My Kids

On my birthday, it was unfortunate that both my wife and I were awfully busy with work. The "Happy Birthday" sign was up and the dining table was set with party hats and all since morning, but we didn't get to celebrate until that night.

I figured my kids would have a better idea how the day went since they were waiting since morning. So, I told my kids to write a short essay about how we spent my birthday. They were excited when I told them that I was going to publish their write-up in my blog.

This is how we spent my 36th birthday, from my kids' point of views:

Daanish, 10

Hello, my name is Daanish. You can call me Daan. Today, I want to tell you about my father's birthday. My father's birthday is on 27 November 1984. The day when it is my father's birthday is on Friday.

My mom gave my dad a vacuum, my sister gave him a card and I gave my dad a big scare! Before we gave the presents, we ate crepe cake. The candles is not the normal candles. It’s the Happy Birthday candles. The crepe cake was delicious!

There is a big banner on the wall and on the banner there were lights. There's a lot of balloons. Then, we gave presents. I scared my dad with glow in the dark insects. My mom and dad had a lot of work so we celebrated at night.

That's the end of my story. Bye.

Daanish did not even had the cake because he was too full from the big dinner he just had. The glow-in-the-dark insects was his idea and I had no idea what they were doing when they told me to stay out of my own room that night.

Ayra, 7

Hello, my name is Ayra. I'm going to tell you about my dad's birthday. His birthday is on 27 November 1984 and on his birthday, there was a banner with light and balloons. We celebrated at night because my mom had a lot of work. We had crepe cake and it was so yummy.

We had a movie night and I gave my dad a card. There was a Doraemon in the front. My mom gave a vacuum and my brother scared my dad with glow in the dark insects. My little sister was not scared at all.

So, that's all for today. Bye.

Ayra is naturally creative, talented and sweet. She made the card a while back and managed to keep it until it was time to give it to me. She doesn't even know who Doraemon is. The banner and party hats were her idea.
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