Aleesa is 3.5 Years Young

As of Jul 30th, Aleesa no longer wears diaper during the day. She only puts them on when she takes her afternoon nap and when she goes to bed at night.

My wife let her picked the panties designs she wanted online and that got her excited to put them on when they finally arrived.

Aleesa enjoys playing with her brother and sister, but when they annoy her, some of the things she'd say to them crack us up:

Kakak, you talk too much!

You are so silly, Abang!

It's not funny!

She also sometimes uses big words like "mend" and "tightly", which surprises everyone!

She takes her nap daily from 2-5 PM and makes the bed after waking up. Before going outside to play, she'd have Oreos with a bowl of milk. Her favorite shows are Peppa Pig and Gabby Dollhouse.

Aleesa loves to dress up and putting on [kids] makeup. She hates wearing pants, unless absolutely necessary, like going outside to play. (She falls quite easily when running.) She's fine with skirts and dresses.

She's a very independent girl. She will tell us when she needs to go to the bathroom, after which she would always wash her hands with soap. Every night before bed, she insists on putting toothpaste on her own toothbrush and sometimes on ours, too. She also loves to help out when we change the bedsheets.

She is very funny, but hates it when people laugh at her. Her tickle spots are her tummy and neck, but not her feet.

Aleesa means Joy. And she definitely brings a whole lot of it into our lives.
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