Lights, Camera, Action!

Every year, the company I work for organizes a family get-together. This year, due to Covid-19, they still organize one, but in a totally different manner. This is Family Day from Home!

The event took place on a weekend, half a day each day. The mystery box arrived a day before the event and we were told to leave it sealed until the morning of the event. Kids could not wait to open it, they stared at the box the whole night.

Inside, there were t-shirts for the whole family, a tub of Garrett caramel popcorn, gift cards from IKEA (RM 100), Grab (RM 50) and Netflix (RM 55), science activity packs for the kids, photo props and items for the activities.

Not too shabby.

Let the Games Begin!

The theme was family movies. So, naturally, a lot of the activities revolved around cartoons, especially Disney's. We're lucky that my wife watched a lot of Disney movies growing up and I am quite fast at Kahoot!.

Out of 6 activities, we won 4; 1st place in "Guess", 2nd place in "Family Got Talent" and 3rd place in "Cartoon Trivia" and "Pictionary".

Here's the list of our winnings (in yellow highlights).

"Cartoon Trivia" is simply picking the right answers for series of questions, but because they use Kahoot!, speed matters. Everyone could be picking the correct answer, but the fastest would get the most points. "Pictionary" is similar to "Cartoon Trivia", except with pictures and logos. "Guess" is where you have to give answers by listening to audio clips. "Family Got Talent" is an optional activity where you record a 90-minute video of at least 3 members of the family performing (acting, dancing, singing, lip-syncing, etc.).

We entered Ayra in the "Family Movie Act" activity where we had to dress her up as Captain Jack Sparrow using recyclable materials lying around the house. We didn't win, but had tons of fun doing it. 

We failed miserably at "Origami Contest" because we have such stubby fingers.

And as expected, we didn't win any lucky draws. To make things worse, one of the lucky draws was a Sony PlayStation5, won by a 60-year old colleague of mine. One of his grandsons is going to love him so much!

The only activity that didn't require us to participate was the online magic show by Malaysia's #1 illusionist, Andrew Lee. Sounds familiar? That's because he was one of the semifinalists on Asia's Got Talent a few years back. His tricks were awesome!

All in all, we enjoyed every bit of it, not just because we won a lot of new toys, but because we got to spend a lot of quality time together as a family.

It doesn't look like the pandemic is going to settle down anytime soon. I wonder what they're gonna come up with next year...
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